Pineapple Mangoes Jackfruit Tree tomatoes Guavas I have fond memories of climbing trees in the village to collect them. Straight … More

Visiting Liverpool

Sites of Liverpool Off the bat, Liverpool is like any other city in the UK (I have been to a … More

What I have been up to -Nottingham Chronicles

This is about the “I have lost count of times” attempt to get into a fitness routine but here is to believing that this is the time I will get into a routine. I gave myself the grace to use reasons such as I didn’t know my way around well to jog comfortably, I am food exploring (my favourite reason), the weather wasn’t favourable ( its cold), etc. But after two two months plus, these started sounding like exactly what they are, “excuses”.

March Musings

The cock crowed the first time, second time, and on the third time, my eyes flew open. Was this cock sending a message, was it a sign, or something?  I am rather superstitious, so you catch my drift.

Sunday musings

I invite you to do the same, check yourself, and the plans you set at the start of the year. Understandably, most plans for 2020 went awry courtesy of Coronavirus, but we also had a lot to learn and especially about the plans we make